
Domino effect

Price on request

The artwork under consideration is a replica of the popular "domino effect" meme, in which a series of objects are arranged to topple over one another in a chain reaction. While the meme itself has no clear historical antecedents, the use of repetition and sequentiality in this work evokes a number of artistic traditions.

One possible point of reference is the work of Marcel Duchamp, who famously challenged the notion of the "original" artwork with his "readymades," or found objects that were presented as art. Like Duchamp's readymades, this replica emphasizes the role of the artist as curator or assembler rather than as creator in the traditional sense.

Another possible influence is the Fluxus movement of the 1960s, which sought to break down the boundaries between art and everyday life through the use of everyday objects and actions. The "domino effect" replica similarly blurs the lines between art and popular culture by elevating a viral meme to the status of a work of art.

In sum, this artwork raises questions about the nature of art and the relationship between art and mass culture. By replicating a widely-circulated internet meme, the artist challenges us to rethink our assumptions about what constitutes "art" and to consider the ways in which popular culture can shape our perceptions and values.

Penelope St. Claire-Devereux, Gallerist


