
Domino effect

Questions art's nature and its relationship with mass culture, drawing inspiration from Duchamp's readymades and the Fluxus movement. The piece challenges traditional artistic roles and perceptions by elevating a viral meme to artistic status.


Emperor’s Clothes

Draws on Andersen's folktale and minimalist art to challenge false narratives and power structures. It encourages critical thinking and skepticism in our understanding of the world.


Fine China

A porcelain takeout container that explores identity, power, and aesthetics. References Claes Oldenburg's sculptures and the history of cultural exchange between China and the West by challenging the assumptions on cultural identity and the boundaries between art and everyday life.


Gig Economy Class

The chessboard, featuring a king and queen and fourteen pawns critiques the gig economy's power imbalance and modern labor exploitation. Drawing on chess history and political art, it encourages seeking fairer economic models that prioritize worker dignity and justice.


F Utility

A self-pointing revolver that critiques the risks associated with adding utility to NFT projects, drawing inspiration from conceptual art and challenging dominant cultural narratives. The artwork provokes reflection on NFTs and the impact of utility on their success or failure.


Cultural Warfare

Critiques art institutions' exclusionary nature, using a giant slingshot aimed at museum guests as a commentary for elitism and alienation. Drawing on institutional critique, the artwork challenges the relationship between art and power and invites reflection on cultural dynamics.


Human Trap

A cash-baited, human-sized mouse trap to provoke reflection on our desires, drawing inspiration from Duchamp's ready-made art and challenging art boundaries. The artwork highlights the potential dangers of the pursuit of wealth and the human condition.